Beijing tour 2004

Here are some images from our highly successful tour to Beijing sponsored by the Beijing Caledonian Society, British Airways and the Great Wall Sheraton Hotel, Beijing

We played five shows in seven days with the high point being the formal black-tie St Andrews Ball held in the Great Wall Sheraton ballroom. We also played the Bookworm and the John Bull Pub and even had a little time for some sightseeing along the way :-)

Full Circle live at the St Andrews Ball, Great Wall Sheraton, Beijing 2004

The ball had a great atmosphere with the scene set by Jack the piper (flown direct from Scotland) and then Full Circle accompanying the dancers.

We met some wonderful people and shared a great dinner, some fine conversation and lively Scottish music.

We finished up at 0530am! as the last of the ceileidh dancers and singers-along headed off for a well deserved rest :-)

The dances were called by the effervescant Suzanne Michaelis who coordinated the event and stood in at short notice as Mistress of Ceremonies.

We quaithed with the Chieftain, consumed some tasty haggis and had a wonderful time

The Bookworm was great fun - a session with some local musicians. At one point we all decided to challenge ourselves and swapped instruments for one we had no idea how to play! The hardest was the bagpipes - just getting enough air into the bag was a challenge in itself!
Jack the piper (left) and above left, with Butch on fiddle